Onions are an essential part of any Northwest kitchen. While they’re easy enough to find at the store (and quite affordable), growing your own is incredibly rewarding. If you planted onions this year and plan to harvest yours soon, here are some tips to help cure those onions so you can use them all winter long.
The Best Onions for Curing
Onions grow great throughout the Northwest, but for best curing results you’ll want to ensure you planted either yellow onions (Bridger, Copra, Cortland, Patterson, Pontiac, Talon, Yellow Globe Heirloom/Hybrid, or Yellow Sweet Spanish), white onions (Southport White Globe, Stuttgarter Heirloom, or White Sweet Spanish), or red onions (Brunswick Heirloom, Red Bull, Red Creole Heirloom, or Red Wind).

When to Harvest
Onions are easy. You can harvest at almost any time and use them right away. When curing, be sure to wait until the tops are falling over and begin to dry out. If you can, stop watering a few weeks before this happens to keep the outer layers from rotting.
Once you’ve pulled them from your garden, lay the onions out in a single layer on a piece of cardboard or in a shallow box. Place them in the garage or shed and leave them there for two weeks. The tops should be completely dry before moving to the next step.

Now, peel off the outer layers and use scissors to trim the roots.

Next, use a knife to trim the tops within an inch from the bulb.

Store the onions in reused onion bags or use an old pair of nylon stockings. If you use a bag, place the onions with the thickest necks at the bottom. With nylon stockings, place one onion at the bottom, tie a knot, and place another onion. Repeat as necessary. The stockings are a great option that allows the onions to breath. Place your readied onions in a cool dry place that isn’t too humid, too cold, or too hot. Cellars and basements work best.

Your onions should last for up to nine months. When you’re ready to use one, just pluck it out of the bag or cut it from the stocking.

You’ll Find Garden Supplies at Coastal
Stop by your Northwest owned and operated Coastal Farm & Ranch. Here you’ll find a full line of garden tools, accessories, as well as bags nutrients to ready your soil for the coming fall and winter months.