Canning vs. Freezing in Today’s Fast-Paced World
August 28, 2022
The debate between canning and freezing often comes down to preference and the equipment you have on hand. While canning can preserve foods for longer without the need for refrigeration, freezing is also a great option. Here’s a quick look at the differences between the two and what to do with your garden bounty.
Choosing Your Containers
Ball® and other canning jars can often be used for both canning and freezing items. All Ball jars are okay for canning, but only specific “no neck” ones are freezer safe. With other brands, be sure to check that the jar is freezer safe. Unlike canning, freezer-safe bags and wraps are also an option for preserving foods.
Supplies Run Low
It’s also bad news when supplies of jars and other canning materials are running low. Thankfully, there never seems to be a shortage of freezer-safe bags. Get your supplies and start freezing your fruits and vegetables.
Both Canning and Freezing are Ideal
While the University of Alaska did find that canning was the most cost-effective method of preserving food, they also found that freezing was the best way to retain nutrients.
Let’s be honest, almost everyone has a dedicated freezer. And even the most die-hard canner will still store meats and other items in that freezer. But there is something cathartic about canning food and storing it for later use. Some of the pros and cons for each are listed below:

Coastal Tip: Try freezing or canning vegetables together, such as a stir-fry mix. It will make meal prep quick and easy.
Canning Tips
When canning, experts agree that fresh, high-quality foods produce the best results. Be sure to prepare your food carefully and follow the canning directions exactly to ensure a proper seal and shelf life.
Freezing Tips
Choose bags and containers that are moisture and vapor-resistant. Quality bags and containers should not absorb oils, grease, water, or odors. Freezer-safe jars are a great option for optimal freezer storage. When freezing, pack items in small quantities to limit the amount you need to thaw later. Always choose firm, ripe produce and quality meats and poultry.
Help is a Click Away
The National Center for Home Preservation can help you freeze and can your food like a pro. Just visit their website Here. There you’ll find info on canning, freezing, drying, pickling, and more. There’s even a section on how to make jams and jellies.
Coastal Knows Canning and Freezing
Stop by your West Coast-owned and operated Coastal for all of your canning and freezing supplies. Tell us what you plan to preserve, and we’ll introduce you to the cookers, steamers, as well as other supplies you need to get it done right.