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Orbit Automatic Hose Faucet Watering Kit

June 24, 2019

Watering the garden, yard, shrubs, and other areas of your property can be an enjoyable chore. That is until you forget on a hot day or you go away for a bit. That’s when all of your hard work dries up and turns brown. With the Orbit Automatic Hose Faucet Watering Kit available at Coastal, you can turn your hose faucet into a programmable sprinkler system. Here’s how it works.

Watering Basics

Learn more about proper landscape and garden watering as well as your many irrigating options with several of our past articles. These include the Basics of Good Gardening, Loving Your Lawn, and xeriscaping advice for those living in some parts of the east side of the Cascades.

Orbit Makes Watering Easy

The Orbit watering kit turns your hose faucet into a weather-resistant, battery-powered, programmable system. You don’t have to dig underground lines or use electricity. All it takes are some batteries, hoses, sprinklers, and a quick programming guide.

The kit comes with everything you need to set up two automatic watering zones. There are a total of four faucet connections you can use, but you’ll need two more valves to make them all automatic.

To begin, attach the computer portion of the kit up to your hose faucet and attach all the hose bibs and hoses you need to water your yard and garden. Now, all you need to do is program it.


Programming in 5 Simple Steps

To set up your Orbit Automatic Hose Faucet Watering Kit, turn the dial on the main unit to adjust and program each of the following settings.

  1. Set Clock & Set Date: Pay close attention to the AM and PM settings as well as the year and day of the week.                                                         
  2. Start Time: You can add multiple cycles for each station. These will be labeled A, B, C, etc. Stations (or hose connections) are numbered from left to right (1, 2, 3, 4). If you want to water in the early morning and late evening on a specific station, this is where you set it. Each station will run through every automatic port for a set length of time. You will set how long each port runs in the next setting.                                                                                          
  3. Run Time: This is how long each of your start times will run. If you do not want a station to water at a specific pre-scheduled start time, set it to zero (0).                                                                                                                                                                                               
  4. How Often: This is where you select the days or intervals for each of your start times. You can choose to have them run every day or even multiple times per day.                                                                                                                                                                 
  5. Auto: Once you’re happy with your settings, turn the dial to Auto. Then turn on your faucet and be sure each of the hose bibs you want to use is set to the on position.

Testing is Essential

Now that you’re programmed, give your system a test to be sure the water is reaching the intended locations. To do this, keep the system on Auto, select Manual from the left control panel, choose the station you want to test and set it for several minutes. This is a great feature for giving plants an extra dose of water on hot days.

Skip Watering on Rainy Days

The Orbit system has an ingenious rain delay option. Push the Rain button and choose a 24-, 48-, or 72-hour delay. If the rain subsides sooner than anticipated, just press the Clear button.

The Off Setting

There’s no sense in re-programming your Orbit each year. Just turn it to Off at the end of the season, turn off your faucet, and it will save everything for next year.

Get Water Smart at Coastal

You’ll find hoses, sprinklers, soakers, as well as the Orbit Automatic Hose Faucet Watering Kit at your Northwest owned and operated Coastal. Be sure to check out the full line of outdoor essentials, including everything you need for decorating your yard and garden.
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