Ag news headlines this week include ag lenders concerned about interest rate volatility, stricter salmonella rules could affect small poultry producers, Oregon water czar position being considered, fish farming restrictions being proposed, and OSU professor helping growers manage slugs and snails without chemicals.
Ag Lenders Concerned about Interest Rate Volatility
From the Pacific Northwest Ag Network, according to data from a recent survey, ag lenders say their top concern for the farm economy in 2023 is interest rate volatility. In the same survey, most respondents said the ag economy is showing signs of improvement.
Stricter Salmonella Rules Could Affect Small Producers
According to the Daily Yonder, the USDA is considering new rules to cut down on salmonella illness in poultry production. Experts and farmers worry the rules would affect small producers.
Oregon Water Czar Position being Considered
The Oregon legislature is considering creating a new government position that would lead water planning efforts and negotiations with local, state, and federal agencies. The Official title would be Interagency Water Officer.
Fish Farming Restrictions being Proposed
Animal rights advocates are pushing lawmakers in Oregon to impose restrictions on factory farming in water. A proposed bill would outlaw ocean net pens for fish and minimum animal welfare standards for fish and aquatic habitats.
OSU Professor Helping Growers Manage Slugs and Snails
Oregon State University professor Rory McDonnell has established a unique research program aimed at helping growers manage snails and slugs without conventional chemical pellets. While many new ideas and solutions have come from his research, one of the most promising has been the use of bread dough as a bait.