Made in the USA: Leatherman
June 7, 2020
The words multi-tool and Leatherman® go hand-in-hand — especially among farmers, ranchers, and folks who know a thing or two about living the country lifestyle. While you may have known Leatherman tools were made in America, you might not have known its headquarters and founder got their start here in the Pacific Northwest. Let’s get to know Leatherman.
Located in Portland, Oregon
The Leatherman company was founded in 1983 by college friends Tim Leatherman and Steve Berliner. Before it was a well-known company, Tim had an idea for a multi-tool. Over several years, he built a prototype, filed for a patent, and tried to get support from knife makers and other tool companies. Nobody was interested. Then, one fateful day, Tim partnered with Steve and the company took off.
The Original Multi-Tool
The very first Leatherman was called the Pocket Survival Tool, or PST for short. This initial Leatherman had 13 tools that folded nicely into a four-inch toolbox. It took the world by storm. Anyone who neeed to keep tools handy could bring along a pair of pliers, a knife, screwdriver, and more.
Initially, Tim and Steve hoped to sell 4,000 PSTs but instead shipped over 30,000. In just one decade, over a million PST multi-tools found their way into the hands of do-it-yourselfers and I-can-fix-anything individuals.
The Hand-Me-Down Tool
Leatherman tools are built in the Pacific Northwest for people like you — workers, problem solvers, pioneers, adventurers, and those who build things. Because they’re built to last, Leatherman tools have earned a reputation as one of the most likely tools to be handed down from one generation to another. These things stand the test of time and any punishment you might throw their way. If you’re carrying a Leatherman around right now, think about how long it’s been part of your daily toolbox. It would be hard to live without, right?
You’ll Find Leatherman at Coastal
We carry a full line of Leatherman multi-tools at your Northwest owned and operated Coastal. Stop by, check them out, and go home with the right Leatherman for you. They also make the perfect gift anyone who is continually mending fences, fixing cars and trucks, and in need of a quick tool many times per day.