Gardening with Greta: September
September 5, 2020
As we transition from summer to fall throughout the Northwest, life starts to slow down. But not in Greta’s garden. This month, she’s tending to her fall crops, getting the soil ready for spring, and harvesting the apples she’s been tending to for months.
Harvesting Fall Crops
Cool-season vegetables and other fall crops are coming in throughout the garden. Those include onions, tomatoes, and potatoes.
Greta and her crew are curing and storing everything they can for the coming months. Check out Harvesting and Curing Your Onions as well as How to Harvest Potatoes for more.
Prepping the Soil for Spring
When a section of the garden is done for the year, Greta gets it ready for spring by adding manure and compost and topping the whole thing off with straw to eliminate and keep winter weeds at bay. Read Trying a No Till Garden to learn Greta’s happy-soil secrets.
Got corn stalks? Greta feeds those to the cows. It’s good for them and makes composting easier.
Harvesting Apples
The apple trees on this family farm are ready for harvesting.
Greta and her helpers thinned them out earlier this summer to ensure bigger and better apples come fall. They were not disappointed.
As the apples got bigger, some branches had to be reinforced with stakes to keep them from breaking.
Get Your Garden Supplies at Coastal
Your Northwest owned and operated Coastal carries everything you need for a bountiful garden next spring. That includes hoses, tools, seeds, starts, fertilizer, and insights from pros who know a thing or two about what to grow in your neck of the woods. Stop by today, where you’ll find everything the country needs.